Meet the Chapbook Contest Judges
Meet the 2019 judges for the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press Chapbook Contest.
Meet the 2019 judges for the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press Chapbook Contest.
On Sunday, May 5, 2019, we came together to celebrate and share the most recent issue of Dunes Review at Brilliant Books in Traverse City, Michigan.
Please join us in celebrating the launch of our Summer / Fall 2018 issue! It’s always a fun afternoon of contributors reading their work.
In this workshop, instead of treating interviews as sources of often-unreliable factual information, we’ll approach interviews as invaluable, even sacred opportunities for people to tell us the stories that explain who they are and the lives they have lived. We’ll put a priority upon humanistic and journalistic approaches over those of social science, focusing not on the “informant” but on the person. Instead of going into an interview with long lists of fact-soliciting questions, our preparation and practice will rely upon careful listening and the sympathetic pursuit of the stories people use to make sense of their lives.