Meet the Chapbook Contest Judges
Meet the 2019 judges for the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press Chapbook Contest.
Meet the 2019 judges for the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press Chapbook Contest.
On Sunday, May 5, 2019, we came together to celebrate and share the most recent issue of Dunes Review at Brilliant Books in Traverse City, Michigan.
Please join us in celebrating the launch of our Summer / Fall 2018 issue! It’s always a fun afternoon of contributors reading their work.
What makes a story move? If you find that your stories often run out of energy and stall, or that your characters and scenes stagnate, join this workshop to focus upon the power source — the “engine” — that drives your story forward. In this interactive FREE workshop, we’ll focus upon the common structural elements that good stories share. Offered by Michigan Writers, in partnership with National Novel Writing Month.