All Updates
Here's everything we've been writing...NWS Presents a Battle of the Books
A Michigan Writers partner, the National Writers Series, presents Battle of the Books and Tui Sutherland- March 20th at Lars Hockstad- Central Grade School, 2:30pm.
Spring Writing Classes at NMC
Start the new year with a dive into one of the many writing and literature classes offered through Northwestern Michigan College.
Chapbook Deadline Extended to Dec. 31
Our holiday gift to you this year is TIME. We’ve extended the deadline for our 2015 Chapbook Contest until Dec. 31!
“Author Next Door” Book Expo on Saturday, Dec. 19
Our partner in the regional literary scene, the National Writers Series, is sponsoring the first-ever “Author Next Door” Book Expo with 22 of our best-known local authors!
Michigan Writers Fall Social Set for November 21, 3-5pm!
Please join us for a casual gathering of people who are (or want to be!) part of Northern Michigan’s literary community at InsideOut Gallery.
From October 7-15, our friends at the National Writers Series are hosting BOOKMANIA, a one-week book festival right here in Traverse City.
Dunes Review Fall 2015 Launch Party, Oct. 17
Join your friends at Brilliant Books to celebrate the Fall 2015 Dunes Review on Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Planning, Contracts and Copyright for Artists, Oct. 24
In this workshop, artists and creative persons will receive an overview of some of the legal issues facing individual cultural entrepreneurs and arts and cultural organizations today.
A Fiction Writing Weekend, Nov. 7-8
Been working on your novel or your short stories? Eager to push something toward completion? Join us for Pushing the Story.