All Updates
Here's everything we've been writing...Welcome Jennifer Yeatts as Senior Editor of the Dunes Review
The Michigan Writers Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of Jennifer Yeatts as the new Senior Editor of Dunes Review!
Fall Potluck is October 18!
It’s fall, which means it’s time for the Michigan Writers Fall Potluck! It’s a literal and literary smorgasbord, and all it needs is YOU. We’ll be meeting on Thursday, October 18th, at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Old Mission Peninsula. Dinner begins at 6pm.
Benefits of Joining Michigan Writers
Michigan Writers is a vibrant community of people who appreciate the written word. As a member of Michigan Writers, you will help to actively foster a vital literary community by encouraging, supporting and connecting writers of all ages. Become a part!
Inaugural Write Michigan Contest
Kent District Library, Grand Rapids Public Library and Schuler Books & Music announce the inaugural Write Michigan Contest, a short story competition open to all Michigan residents. The entry deadline is November 30.
Michael Connelly at NWS on Nov. 29
International best-selling author Michael Connelly appears at the National Writers Series on Nov. 29.
Pithead Chapel Call for Submissions
“At Pithead Chapel, we’re looking for engaging stories told in honest voices. Most of all, we want to feel something. We want to reach the last word and immediately crave more. We want your story to leave a brilliant bruise. Send us your best work and we’ll do our best to get your voice heard.”
Pat Batta Publishes “Where Did You Die?”
Patricia (Pat) Batta has published “Where Did You Die?” the fourth book in her Marge Christensen Mystery Series.
Chapbook Contest Submission Guidelines
The MWCP chapbook contest is open to all members of Michigan Writers, Inc. who hitherto have not been the sole or a primary author of a literary book published by any type of press, including the MWCP.
Preparing a Winning Manuscript
In this two hour workshop, learn explain the basics of the literary submission process, how to assemble a class-A manuscript, and what to expect when you send your work out for consideration by a journal, publication, contest or small (or large!) press.