“Script to Screen” with Benjamin Busch on Dec. 11
Benjamin Busch, actor, photographer and author of the memoir “Dust to Dust,” will be offering a script writing workshop, “Script to Screen,” on Tuesday, December 11, 2012.
Benjamin Busch, actor, photographer and author of the memoir “Dust to Dust,” will be offering a script writing workshop, “Script to Screen,” on Tuesday, December 11, 2012.
William Shaw, teacher, poet and mentor, was an important and beloved advocate for writers in northern Michigan. The poetry contest named in his honor is open to all Michigan residents (including part-timers) living on or north of the US-10 corridor. Submissions are due January 1, 2013.
The Cromaine Library in Hartland, MI, is hosting a Writing and Illustration Contest in connection with their Big Read 2013: “The Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe.” The story and illustration winners will appear as part of a printed anthology, and there are also three cash prizes for each contest. The contest deadline is January 4, 2013.
In her new book IT’S OK NOT TO SHARE … and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids (Tarcher/Penguin August 2012), Heather Shumaker describes her quest to nail down “the rules” to raising smart, sensitive, and self-sufficient kids. In November she is offering a workshop at NMC and will sign books at Horizon Books in TC.
Michigan Writers is pleased to announce a workshop with Michael Delp: “How Vain It Is To Sit Down To Write: Thoughts on Poetry, Process and Paying Attention.” Monday, December 3, 7-9:00 pm, NMC University Center, Room 214.